Integra's guide explains benefits of using a peristaltic pump

INTEGRA has published a ‘How-It-Works’ guide to explain the benefits of using a peristaltic pump for pumping and dispensing a wide variety of liquids.

Pumping and dispensing culture media, buffer solutions and other liquids are routine tasks undertaken by many laboratories. Making sure that the liquid remains contamination-free during the pumping / dispensing operation, ease of operation and maintenance as well as ensuring a wide range of liquids can be transferred with high precision are key attributes of a good peristaltic pump.

This new guide has been written to enable you to better understand how a peristaltic pump works and introduces the key features and benefits of the INTEGRA DOSE-IT peristaltic pump.

DOSE IT has been designed for laboratories looking for an easy-to-use, compact and portable peristaltic pump. With its lightweight and compact design, DOSE IT fits everywhere in the lab and can be easily moved. The intuitive user interface with straightforward instructions makes it very easy to operate. DOSE IT is widely used for dispensing culture media, buffers and other solutions.

Source: Integra


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