The Scientist names Cyto-Mine technology #1 in the Top 10 Innovations of 2018

We are delighted to announce that Cyto-Mine® is one of the winners of The Scientist 2018 Top 10 Innovations!

The Scientist names Cyto-Mine® technology #1 in the Top 10 Innovations of 2018

Image credit: Sphere Fluidics

Cyto-Mine® was selected as one of the winners by an independent panel of expert judges who assessed Cyto-Mine® for its ability to transform the life sciences by fostering rapid advances in scientific research and addressing key problems in the field. Cyto-Mine® is poised to revolutionize antibody discovery and cell line development as the first fully integrated system to perform high-throughput selective screening, cell isolation and provide assurance of monoclonality.

On hearing the news that the Cyto-Mine® had won our CEO, Frank F. Craig, commented:

It is fantastic that Cyto-Mine® has been internationally recognized by The Scientist as one of the Top 10 innovations of 2018, excellent news!."


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    Sphere Fluidics. (2020, May 13). The Scientist names Cyto-Mine technology #1 in the Top 10 Innovations of 2018. News-Medical. Retrieved on September 20, 2024 from

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    Sphere Fluidics. "The Scientist names Cyto-Mine technology #1 in the Top 10 Innovations of 2018". News-Medical. 20 September 2024. <>.

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    Sphere Fluidics. "The Scientist names Cyto-Mine technology #1 in the Top 10 Innovations of 2018". News-Medical. (accessed September 20, 2024).

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    Sphere Fluidics. 2020. The Scientist names Cyto-Mine technology #1 in the Top 10 Innovations of 2018. News-Medical, viewed 20 September 2024,


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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