Analytical Chemistry in Life Sciences - Study links endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure to poorer sleep and vitamin D deficiency
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What are step gradients, and how to use them?What are step gradients, and how to use them?

Linear gradients, characterized by a constant change in mobile phase composition over time, are commonly employed in chromatography. But when they are not enough, step gradients, or focused gradients, can save the day. Discover how to use them more efficiently.

Learn How to Use Step Gradients
   Study links endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure to poorer sleep and vitamin D deficiencyStudy links endocrine-disrupting chemical exposure to poorer sleep and vitamin D deficiency
Study in the journal Nutrients links exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals with vitamin D deficiency and reduced sleep duration, suggesting a compounded negative impact on health.
   Study finds high microplastic levels in Mediterranean fish despite low chemical contaminantsStudy finds high microplastic levels in Mediterranean fish despite low chemical contaminants
Researchers in a recent study published in the journal Foods discovered high levels of microplastics in popular Mediterranean fish species, despite low levels of cadmium and antibiotics, highlighting ongoing environmental concerns.
 New technique allows scientists to study the fatty contents of cancer cells
New technique allows scientists to study the fatty contents of cancer cellsImagine being able to look inside a single cancer cell and see how it communicates with its neighbors.
 The Incredible Impact of Mass Spectrometry on Brain Imaging
The Incredible Impact of Mass Spectrometry on Brain ImagingResearchers Jonathan Sweedler, a professor of chemistry, and Fan Lam, a professor of bioengineering, at the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, described how spatial omics technologies can unveil the molecular complexity of the brain at various scales.
 What Methods Are Used in Beverage Contaminant Analysis?
What Methods Are Used in Beverage Contaminant Analysis?Contaminants in beverages in the form of chemicals, particulates, or microorganisms may be naturally sourced from the environment or through anthropogenic activities.
 MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry in the Biosciences
MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry in the BiosciencesMatrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) time-of-flight (TOF) spectrometry is a powerful analytical technique that is widely used in both clinical and laboratory settings.
 Revolutionising Biomarker Discovery: The Role of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Revolutionising Biomarker Discovery: The Role of High-Performance Liquid ChromatographyMethods to identify new biomarkers and detect existing ones with high specificity and selectivity are greatly needed.
 New Method Sheds Light on How Protein Modifications Power T Cells
New Method Sheds Light on How Protein Modifications Power T CellsImagine riding a bike. Now imagine riding a bike with an enormous beach ball stuck on your handlebars. That "modification" might change your experience quite a bit.
 Exhaled breath may be a promising avenue for antibiotic monitoring
Exhaled breath may be a promising avenue for antibiotic monitoringExhaled breath may be very promising alternative to blood for the therapeutic monitoring of antibiotics, the ESCMID Global Congress (formerly ECCMID) in Barcelona, Spain (27-30 April) will hear.
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