New report detailing how animal experiments misled scientists on Vioxx

Tommorow, February 17, John J. Pippin, M.D., FA.C.C., will testify before Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officials and present a new report detailing how experiments on mice, dogs, and other animals misled scientists and ultimately contributed to a tragic outcome for human patients exposed to Vioxx and other drugs.

Dr. Pippin will represent the nonprofit Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM).

PCRM's report reveals that Vioxx and other COX-2 drugs actually had a heart-protective effect in mice and other animals, exactly opposite of how the drugs later performed in humans. The report also reveals that once clinical trials started showing that the drugs caused heart problems in humans, the pharmaceutical companies ignored this information and instead pointed to the animal tests as "evidence" that the drugs were safe. As Dr. Pippin illustrates in the report, the Vioxx animal testing debacle is not unique. Over the years, millions of patients have been exposed to harmful drugs, such as Rezulin and Baycol, that seemed safe in tests on mice, dogs, rats, monkeys, horses, and other animals.

"Reliance on animal tests enabled the FDA to approve Vioxx," says Dr. Pippin. "It is time to turn to newer, more reliable human-based methods such as studying drug metabolism using human liver subcellular fractions." Liver toxicity is the major reason for drug re-labeling and withdrawal, and it often does not show up in dogs and other animals.

WHO: Cardiologist, John J. Pippin, M.D., F.A.C.C., representing PCRM
WHAT: Testimony at FDA hearing on Vioxx and related drugs.
WHEN: Thursday February 17, 2005 between 1 and 3 p.m.
WHERE: The Ballrooms at the Hilton DC North, 620 Perry Pkwy., Gaithersburg, MD.

For an interview with Dr. Pippin call Jeanne S. McVey, on-site cell phone, (415) 509-1833.

Founded in 1985, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is a nonprofit health organization that promotes preventive medicine, especially good nutrition. PCRM also conducts clinical research studies, opposes unethical human experimentation, and promotes alternatives to animal research.


  1. doreen rosanen doreen rosanen Canada says:

    First: these five good words should be taught in school asap: common
    sense, compassion, empathy, reasoning, and wisdom.

    Secondly: I would like to praise Dr. John Pippin for his intelligence, and what he is doing to save animals from unnecessary suffering and death. Dr. Pippin is a wise man in his young years, and because of what he is doing to help all God's animals I'll be praying that God will give him strength, and free of illness, to carry on his endeavor. I truly believe that some special force out there is watching over him. God Bless Dr. Pippin and others who truly care for God's beautiful creatures.

    Thirdly: I will mention that for eighteen or so years now,I have been caring for animals in my home, which is cleaner than a hospital so people say, and for good humans as well, all on my own, and at times it was very difficult, but I prayed for someone to give me strength to care for these animals, and to find ways that would make my work little easier, and so it has been, and I have never been sick - not even a headache or a runny nose. I come second to them. If they're happy I am happy, and so it has been, and I wish this for all good people who care.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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