State representatives to announce patient-centered plan for health care reform

On Tuesday, October 13, in response to national calls for an alternative to Obamacare, representatives from 33 state think tanks will announce their "patient-centered" plan for health care reform. The proposal, which is adapted from a national study by public policy specialist Art Laffer, will be described in detail, together with a Q & A, on a conference call open to the press (dial-in information is below).

"President Obama and other supporters of government-run health care like to proclaim that there's no alternative to their plans," said John Tillman, CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute. "Our patient-centered reform package offers a clear alternative that puts patients, not bureaucrats, first. It protects the doctor-patient relationship, offers viable solutions for the uninsured, and keeps medical care affordable for all Americans."

Interested media representatives can join the call on October 13, at 12:00 p.m. EDT, by dialing into (866) 576-7975 and using access code 835246. Speakers on the call will include:

  • John Tillman, CEO, Illinois Policy Institute
  • Donna Arduin, Partner, Arduin, Laffer & Moore, Econometrics
  • Arlene Wohlgemuth, Senior Fellow, Center for Health Care Policy, Texas Public Policy Foundation
  • Tarren Bragdon, CEO, Maine Heritage Policy Center
  • Linda Gorman, Health Care Policy Center Director, Independence Institute
  • Roger Stark, Center for Health Care Policy Analyst, Washington Policy Center

The call will cover the details of the statement, with opportunity for Q & A, as well as the economic impacts of government-run health care, the problems with a Medicaid expansion, Maine's health care disaster, cautionary tales from Canada, and practical state-based health care solutions.

The full plan, along with the list of think tank signatories, is available at For more information, contact Kristina Rasmussen at 217-801-5516 or [email protected].


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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