Cigarette filters contain pig’s blood

By Candy Lashkari

The next time you light up a cigarette you may be puffing on a filter which contains pig’s blood. Recent Dutch research found that pig hemoglobin was being used to make filters of cigarettes more effective in blocking harmful chemicals before they enter the smoker’s lungs.

Simon Chapman, a professor at the University of Sydney said that this was one of the 185 industrial uses of a pig that the Dutch research had identified. Chapman was quoted by Australian AAP news agency saying “I think that there would be some particularly devout groups who would find the idea that there were pig products in cigarettes to be very offensive

"The Jewish community certainly takes these matters extremely seriously and the Islamic community certainly do as well, as (so) would many vegetarians. It just puts into hard relief the problem that the tobacco industry is not required to declare the ingredients of cigarettes ... they say 'that's our business' and a trade secret." said Chapman.

One cigarette brand in Greece was a confirmed user of Pig Hemoglobin in its production process. Considering that the Jews and Muslims consider the consumption of pork opposed to their core beliefs this new research finding is sure to shake a few feathers.

As a smoker of the Jewish or Islamic faith you would like to know if this ingredient is used in processing your cigarette, but tobacco companies do not provide these details. In voluntary disclosures of contents of their products they include “undisclosed processing aids” and these are said to be, “not significantly present in, and do not functionally affect, the finished product"

So in effect there is no way for you to know what really goes into the production of your cigarette.


  1. HS
    HS Wong HS Wong Malaysia says:

    What Dutch study?  Sounds like, and looks like a prank. April Fool?

  2. dalma  Smithy dalma Smithy Australia says:

    I find this article insensitive and puerile. Was it meant tongue-in-cheek as a juvenile prank, or just another sordid lampoon at iconic Religions ? Animal parts - livers, heart valves, skin, bones, and suture material have all come from various zoological species. No great drama, because it saves lives, provides enhancements, and makes Life worthwhile, specially if one depends on bits and pieces for survival, and ultimately mobility. That it happens to be April Fool's Day, coincidentally shows the author for what she is - dunce. Don't mock my Religious principles, get a Life, and choose a subject for which you have some expertise of !!
    Finally, I am offended, and far from amused !

    • Justin Justin Australia says:

      Boo hoo...!!! if it is a joke, deal with it. I am offended that an Aussie would be "offended" by a joke...Shame on you

  3. HM HM Indonesia says:

    As a member of one of the biggest Muslim countries, this is a very sensitive issue. Please reveal the full details of the research.

  4. Jasmin Jasmin Israel says:

    Christian Meindertsma spent 3 years researching the industrial uses of a pig; medecine, candy, cosmetics, porcelain, cigarettes and heart valves among them.  The project was exhibited in the Kunsthal in Rotterdam in 2008.  Not as an April Fool's prank.  For a photo gallery of the exhibit, click on the words "Dutch research" in blue in the first paragraph of this article.

  5. Sophie Sophie Australia says:

    To those who thing this is a joke or an insult inflicted by the author Lashkari: Before getting all worked up, you should click on the link provided in the first paragraph.  It takes you to the artist's website ( where you can get a little more information and some photos of the book the artist wrote about the pig he investigated. The only fault of Lashkari is that she is reporting on something that is now old news (the first edition of the book was published in 2007 and the project exhibited in 2008).

  6. farlowe farlowe Australia says:

    Religious groups are offended by this news? Good. One group who would be offended by this news item labels me as 'goyim' and the other group labels me as 'unbeliever scumbag' so why would I care?

    • Jasmin Jasmin Israel says:

      Exactly why are you insulted by the term "goyim" (it's the plural, BTW, the singular is "goy" for a man or "goya" for a woman)?  It means "the Nations" as in the nations of the world.  Does that offend you?  Why?  What term would you prefer?

  7. BiteMe BiteMe Canada says:

    So does anyone know if this was a prank or not? If anyone has any info about this subject please post! There are some people who care actually.

  8. Imran khan Imran khan India says:

    Simon Chapman said that one particular cigarette brand sold in Greece is confirmed to be using pig haemoglobin in its manufacturing process. Not all brands using pig blood. He says in Greece not all over world, so india may be safe. In India ITC manufactures cigrettes so there is no need to worry. In India many Hindus like Brahmins, Lingayaths also smoke, they hate pig product as we do so in India ITC may not use pig blood.

    • kabeer khan kabeer khan Australia says:

      I think that a good point but "ITC may not use" is just a thought or may be ITC are using who knows. When multinational companies are doing it all over the world why can't it be in India. The worse part is that even after this news was released the cigarette companies didn't bother to give an explanation on the issue which is very rude on there part.

      I think the vegetarians, Jews and Muslims should be ashamed
      that they have not gone forward and done any thing with regards in this matter!

      • Mohd Arslan Mohd Arslan India says:

        I got to know about this in Aug'15, and since then allhumdulilah i have stopped completely. Kabir you have pointed out very well that if multinational companies are using it then why can’t ITC. One of my friend tried to contact ITC regarding this but there was no response from them.Plus if you contact on their customer number they will not disclose the details about filters. This suggest that something is fishy and then do not want consumer to know about filter ingredients. I am sure they use the same formula as multinational firms do. “ The research found pig haemoglobin - a blood protein - was being used to make the filters more effective at blocking toxic chemicals before they entered a smoker's lungs.”

        This (formula) should be more than enough for any big cigarette company to increase their sale as they will have less complaints or death reports from the customer, which in return makes the company image more trustable/reliable in the eyes of consumer.

        I have personally researched Marlboro (Philip morris) because i used to smoke that brand and believe me they use this pig stuff and what is more surprising is that the website was UAE marlboro. I feel very disturbed when i see a percentage of arabs following the west blindly whether it is a new cars, girls or alcohol for instance. My request to all the Muslims is to quit smoking. They should consider this a sign from ALLAH (s.w.t),and Indeed  ALLAH (s.w.t)  has done a big favour upon us by showing the in-depth details of cigarette and strategies these zionists uses to destabilise/harm muslim community and others.

  9. stephine stephine United States says:

    Give me a break. Who cares you are already sticking lots of chemicals in you by smoking anyhow. Are you saying you won't take blood clotting meds either?

  10. Farooq ahmed Farooq ahmed India says:

    The tobacco industry is 'not required to declare the ingredients'. The buyer has the right to know what he is buying. If its their business and trade secret what is the need for quality management systems and certifications across different industry sectors.looks like smokers are worse than dogs for dogs would have smelled what he is taking.

    If research shows human excreta contains chemicals for trade benifits under the pretense of health benefits iam sure cigrettes will have it too.

  11. Tereza Tereza Czech Republic says:

    I am an animal activists and I was smoker for many years. I had always felt guilty that I support this evil industry not only because tobacco is tested on animals (and it was also strong motivation to quit). And now this? I dont understand vegans around me who don't feel bad about smoking at all...

  12. Zulfikar Ali Zulfikar Ali Bangladesh says:

    I am bit confused about the authenticity of the research. Muslim world wants to confirm regarding this sensitive issue. We also want more clarification from Cigarette Manufacturing company about it.

  13. fairuz fairuz Malaysia says:

    cigarette filters contains pig hemoglobin, is it true? all brand of cigarette pack?.

  14. Fared Muszafar Fared Muszafar Malaysia says:

    Yes, Fairuz.
    It is HARAM to smoke cigarettes as said in the Quran.

    The prophet (Rasullulah S.A.W) had said:
    "Whomsoever drinks poison, thereby killing himself, will sip this poison forever in Hell" and another claim in the Quran said as: And kill not one another. Lo! Allah is ever Merciful unto you.) (Quran, Chapter 4: Verse 29) and: "Do not cause your own destruction" (Quran, Chapter 2: Verse 195).

    So as proven by medical evidence, smoking meets all of the criteria for the prohibition of certain substances/ actions in Islam.

  15. Iqbal Chowdhury Iqbal Chowdhury Australia says:


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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