Jul 10 2014
Most women know all too well the temporary discomfort associated with menstrual cramps. Women with endometriosis, however, suffer with pain that can be debilitating —not just during their period, but sometimes even during other times of the month. Although it may be easy to misunderstand how extreme the symptoms and pain of endometriosis are and dismiss the symptoms as "just some bad cramps," women with endometriosis are seeking treatment options that can effectively manage the pain that may prevent them from doing the things they normally do. A new clinical research study, called the SOLSTICE study, is evaluating an investigational drug for moderate to severe endometriosis pain symptoms.
The symptoms of endometriosis include extremely painful periods, chronic pelvic pain, and pain associated with sexual activity. Most women suffer through the symptoms of endometriosis for a long time (up to 10 years) before receiving a correct diagnosis and may have been treated with analgesic medications, hormone treatment and possibly surgery. Approximately 5.5 million women in the United States have endometriosis.
Because many women with endometriosis suffer misdiagnosed, untreated, or in silence, additional research is needed that may help manage this disease. Clinical research studies test the safety and effectiveness of investigational medications for diseases and conditions to see if they work and if they are safe. People volunteer to participate in clinical studies, and these studies play an important role in the development of future new medications. Many approved drugs, therapies, and devices that are used today are the result of past clinical research studies.
The SOLSTICE study is being conducted at approximately 240 research centers worldwide. About 800 women will participate in the study. You may be able to join the SOLSTICE study if you have been surgically diagnosed with endometriosis, are 18 to 49 years old, and are experiencing moderate to severe pain caused by endometriosis.
Source: SOLSTICE study