DECTRIS Ltd. has announced its Hybrid Photon Counting (HPC) technology based on the newest IBEX ASIC platform for X-ray medical imaging equipment. Hybrid Photon Counting technology is enabling original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) to transform X-ray medical imaging, from computerized tomography (CT) to digital breast mammography (DBT).
DECTRIS’ pioneering HPC detection technology, powered by the new IBEX ASIC platform, outperforms current technical standards — and delivers the best possible image quality based on single X-ray detection, highest sensitivity and lowest dose. Hybrid Photon Counting technology provides:
- Lowest possible dose — achieving the best signal-to-noise ratio via a noise-free detection with a high dynamic range and no dark current
- Radiation-hardness for ultimate long-term stability — via a specific design
- Very high frame rates — via dedicated ASIC and electronics
- Native spectral information for color X-ray imaging — via energy discrimination
- Almost perfect spatial resolution — via direct detection.
Previously, X-ray detection in medical imaging has mainly relied on the indirect methods utilized by traditional integrating detectors lacking energy discrimination. Not only does the new IBEX ASIC sense every single photon in an X-ray, but it also provides the flexibility of two readout modes: A high resolution mode to detect subtle details and a spectral one to add color information to grey-scale radiology.
For OEMs, pairing Hybrid Photon Counting with advanced new X-ray medical imaging instruments and analysis algorithms, the additional spectral information will open up a new dimension in specificity.
DECTRIS is the world’s acknowledged leader in HPC detection, having produced more than 8,000 HPC detector modules to date — far more than any other source — for a variety of applications in science and industry.
As the leader, DECTRIS empowers medical imaging OEMs to shift the radiology into the era of native spectral X-ray imaging. The HPC proposition of geometrical accuracy, image quality, sensitivity at highest spectral fidelity will pave the way to precision medicine in a cost effective and safe way. Improved diagnostics (detection, characterization) based on existing contrast agents and new targeted biomarkers, will ultimately enable the logging of therapy responses.