The ABL9 blood gas analyzer is intended specifically for critical care conditions where just a few tests are performed each day. It is designed with comfort in mind, and its small footprint allows it to fit in most contexts.
Users can quickly assess patient samples on the ABL9 analyzer using the on-screen step-by-step user assistance and receive quick findings on acid-base balance, as well as oxygen and electrolyte status.
Within seconds, users can have the information required to make the best diagnostic decisions for a critically ill patient.
Parameters measured
Electrolytes: cCa2+, cCl-, cK+, cNa+
Blood gases: pH, pCO2, pO2
Hematocrit: Hct
The blood gas analyzer designed for easy blood gas testing at the point of care
On 70 µL of blood, the ABL9 blood gas analyzer offers reliable results in as little as 77 seconds. The Radiometer engineers have designed a creative and simple blood gas analyzer that is straightforward to use.
The video below shows how the ABL9 analyzer was created to assist in providing better patient care.
The ABL9 blood gas analyzer
Video Credit: Radiometer Medical

Image Credit: Radiometer Medical