The DeNovix dsDNA Fluorescence Quantification Assays and Fluorometers provide the greatest sensitivity and widest dynamic range available today. DeNovix offers three highly specific assay kits for a wide range of dsDNA concentrations and one that covers a wide range RNA concentrations.

DeNovix dsDNA Broad Range Assay
Range: 0.1 ng/µL to 2000 ng/µL (extended to 4000 ng/µL) dsDNA
Kit options: 1000 assays, 250 assays or 50 assay evaluation size
DeNovix dsDNA High Sensitivity Assay
Range: 5 pg/µL to 250 ng/µL dsDNA
Kit options: 1000 assays, 250 assays or 50 assay evaluation size
DeNovix dsDNA Ultra High Sensitivity Assay
Range: 0.5 pg/µL to 300 pg/µL dsDNA
Kit options: 1000 assays, 250 assays or 50 assay evaluation size
DeNovix RNA Assay
Range: 250 pg/µL to 1500 ng/µL RNA
Kit options: 1000 assays, 250 assays or 50 assay evaluation size
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