The NvisionVLE Imaging System, with Advanced OCT, uses an optical signal acquisition and processing method to create more complete cross-sectional images—letting you evaluate 100% of the tissue in a 6cm scan to better inform your evaluation. 3mm deep. 6cm long. At a resolution of 7 microns. In real time.
The NvisionVLE Imaging System is indicated for use as an imaging tool in the evaluation of human tissue microstructure, including esophageal tissue microstructure, by providing two-dimensional, cross-sectional, real-time depth visualization. The safety and effectiveness of this device for diagnostic analysis (i.e. differentiating normal versus specific abnormalities) in any tissue microstructure or specific disease has not been evaluated.
- Captures images up to 3mm beneath the mucosa at a 7 micron resolution in real time—unlike white light endoscopy, which can only image surface detail
- Offers a full-field view (~10,000mm2), as opposed to a “point” image typically obtained with confocal microscopy (0.25mm2)
- Advanced Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) imaging delivers up to 25X higher resolution than endoscopic ultrasound
- Provides a dramatic increase in imaging speed and improved image resolution, compared to first-generation OCT systems