Sapio Jarvis is a science-aware™ lab data integration system that links and harmonizes instrument and application data into a consistent format. This data is made available to scientists via user-friendly search tools, data visualizations, and powerful analytics throughout an organization's whole range of instruments and informatics applications.
Jarvis does this in a way that provides the scientific context for all of the data acquired, such as linking samples or specimens with parsed instrument outputs. The data is always FAIR and available for scientists to analyze or input into AI algorithms.
Jarvis is also a low-code, no-code platform and can be quickly expanded to track any data in the organization. Data and analytics are presented in a form that is simple to find, apply, and understand for each data table, and can be expanded to include additional analytic methods as needed.
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Sapio Jarvis enables companies to harness the full power of their unified data and unleash the promise of AI to innovate and maximize research outcomes.

Image Credit: Sapio Sciences
Key features
Integrate all the data sources
In one simple knowledge graph, users can browse all of the ELN and LIMS systems (Sapio and third-party) and instrument data. To add any new data type, simply add it to the system. Dashboards present a summary of accessible data and metrics.
Science-aware™ built-in tools
Interactive, scientifically intelligent viewers for scientific data allow scientists to perceive biological and chemical entities in the way that they anticipate, such as plasmids (completely annotated), proteins (3D), and tiny molecules (2D).
Access, search, and visualize one-stop-shop
Using a no-code visual query builder, scientists can look up any data in the system, including instrument findings, samples, subjects, experiments, and projects. There is also a scientifically aware search function for objects like molecules.

Image Credit: Sapio Sciences
Features and benefits
- Data collection: Automate data collection from the 200+ sensors via file sweep or API software connection. Automate the synchronization of project, experiment, entity, and sample data across several research informatics systems, including Sapio LIMS/ELN and those from other vendors.
- Data parsing: Automatically parse instrument files using a vast selection of over 200 instrument parsers created by industry specialists. Capture both raw and processed data. Create automated pipelines to transfer parsed data into ELN/LIMS experiments and processes, utilizing natural language rules and scripts.
- Contextualization: Associate the parsed instrument data in Jarvis with objects such as samples or specimens from informatics systems to provide scientific context for the data. Generating contextualized, clean, and FAIR data is required for successful AI analytics.
- Advanced search: The built-in graphical query builder allows users to search and get data from numerous data sources. Perform scientific searches, such as substructure and similarity searches for compounds.
- Visualization: Create and view dashboards. Users can easily browse and chart any data, including instrument data. Scientific objects, such as proteins, plasmids, and chemical structures, are rendered interactively using viewers.
- Scientific Analysis: Use statistical approaches like flow cytometry gating and curve fitting. Jarvis allows users to run bioinformatics and cheminformatics approaches as well as powerful AI and machine learning capabilities such as neural networks.

Jarvis Architecture – Scales Across the Enterprise. Image Credit: Sapio Sciences
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The first lab triple play: ELN, LIMS, and Jarvis
Sapio Sciences has invented the world's first lab triple-play platform, which combines LIMS, ELN, and data-cloud capabilities. Sapio LIMS manages samples, automates laboratory procedures, and analyzes findings; Sapio ELN designs, deploys, and documents experiments; and Sapio Jarvis unifies access to scientific data across instruments and vendor systems through a single, easy-to-use cloud interface.

Image Credit: Sapio Sciences