If you want to clean fragile glass pipettes, metal wires after drawing, or oily machine parts on ships - BANDELIN electronic has the solution. Many of the cleaning devices introduced here have been developed upon encouragement by and cooperation with our customers.
- Cleaning of technical glassware like burettes,pipettes, petri dishes and laboratory flasks
- Disinfection and cleaning at the same time
- Degassing of beer samples for analysis of alcohol contents, original worth, colour, pH value
- Degassing of food samples from cans for analysis of stannous contents
- Extraction of quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) of wood
- Extraction of herbs samples for determination of afl atoxines (causing mold decay on food)
- Extraction of soil samples for determination of hydrocarbons
- Test method for freeze-thaw resistance of concrete: CDF test – through sonication,loosely adhering scaled particles are removed from surface