Bio-Synthesis Urine DNA Isolation Kit provides a fast, reliable and simple procedure for isolating DNA from 3 - 25 mL of urine. Many advantages favour the use of urinary DNA for cancer biomarker discovery and diagnosis of different pathogens over the use of blood and tissue samples.
DNA found in urine can be divided into 2 basic categories. The larger genomic DNA (gDNA) species is generally greater than 1 kb in size, and appears to be derived mainly from exfoliated cells. The second species is smaller, generally between 150 and 250 bp (apoptotic-DNA), and derives, at least in part, from the circulation.

The second species is also considered as an RNA/DNA hybrid. Both types of DNA can be isolated reliably using this kit. Typical yields of DNA isolated will vary depending on the input sample, with more concentrated samples tending to yield more DNA. Norgen's Urine DNA Isolation 96-Well Kit (Slurry Format) can also be used for the isolation of viral DNA from urine.
Purification is based on using Norgen's proprietary resin as the separation matrix. Briefly, urine samples are mixed with Solution A containing our separation matrix, and are then are lysed using a combination of Solution A and Solution B.
Ethanol is then added to the lysate, and the slurry is then loaded onto a provided 96-well filter plate (BIND). This is followed by washing of the bound DNA to remove any remaining proteins or other impurities (WASH). Lastly, the purified total urine DNA is eluted into the provided Elution Buffer (ELUTE). Refer the procedure flowchart given below.
The kit allows for the removal of highly concentrated salts, metabolic wastes and proteins, to allow for the isolation of high quality, concentrated DNA. Preparation time for a single sample is about 30 minutes. The purified urine DNA is compatible with most of the molecular biological applications such as PCR, q-PCR and DNA fingerprinting
Features and Benefits
- Fast processing - Rapid format allows for the processing of 96 urine sample in one hour.
- Isolation of both types of urine DNA - Isolate both high molecular weight DNA (greater than 1 kb in size; mostly cell associated) and the smaller DNA (150 - 250 bp; derived from the circulation).
- High quality DNA - Removal of highly concentrated salts, metabolic wastes and proteins provides high quality, concentrated DNA to be used in various downstream applications.
- Recovered DNA is suitable for downstream applications - Purified urine DNA is compatible with most of the molecular biological applications such as PCR, q-PCR and DNA fingerprinting
The purified urine DNA is compatible with most of the molecular biological applications such as:
- Real-time PCR
- DNA fingerprinting