Mar 22 2004
Cataracts cause vision problems in over half of all Americans, age 65 and older. For those between 55 and 65 years of age, cataracts are a leading cause of vision loss.
Using an advanced microsurgical technology, called Aqualase(R), a New York eye surgeon is now able to use a procedure to essentially "wash" cataracts away. "By using Aqualase(R) to treat my cataract patients, I am able to dissolve the clouded lens with pulses of warm, naturally balanced salt water solution in order to 'wash away' the lens layer by layer," said Satish Modi, M.D., F.R.C.S. ( C ), a leading ophthalmic surgeon in Poughkeepsie.
Aqualase(R) uses fluid micropulses to gently delaminate and emulsify cloudy lens tissue without mechanical or thermal disruption of surrounding tissue. This technology may help reduce the risk of complications from the most common cataract removal procedure, called phacoemulsification. "Phacoemulsification is a very safe and effective cataract removal technique.
It does heat the eye somewhat, which can rarely prevent the eye from healing properly or as quickly as we would like. Because Aqualase(R) doesn't heat the eye, the potential for these complications is further minimized," said Dr. Modi. A limited number of eye surgery centers throughout the U.S. have been selected to use Aqualase(R) technology. In the future, it is believed that Aqualase(R) technology will be applied to a number of other eye surgery procedures to further enhance their safety and effectiveness. To learn more, contact Stacey Koch at 1-877-MODI-EYE or [email protected].