Apr 21 2004
In the wake of therecent death of McDonald's Chairman and CEO James Cantalup, it appears thatmore and more people are realizing the importance of taking preventivemeasures to detect health problems before the normal symptoms occur.
One such measure is a blood test; it does not require a doctor visit orprescription. PreventiveLabs.com Program Director Kevin Johnson says thatthere has been an influx of calls on their Advanced VAP Cardio/CholesterolTest: "We offer over 4000 different blood tests and right now the VAP test isthe most popular."
The VAP cholesterol test provides the most comprehensive coronary heartdisease risk assessment blood test there is. It measures all primary andsecondary targets of therapy and the new emerging lipid risk factors notidentified with a routine lipid panel.
The test can be ordered on-line for $169 plus $12 processing fee at http://www.preventivelabs.com.
PreventiveLabs.com also offers volume discounts to HMOs, Corporations &Small Business Owners on all their tests by calling Customer Service at866-588-TEST (8378)
PreventiveLabs.com is a nationwide reseller of over 4400 clinical testswith over 1,100 patient service centers. For an additional fee an affiliatedphlebotomy service will come to your home or place of work to draw your blood.