May 7 2004
Record investment and new ways of working are speeding up treatment, according to the recently released NHS annual report.
The report shows that the Government's NHS Plan target of ensuring that no patients wait more than nine months for an operation has been reached, with only a handful of exceptions.
Waiting times have fallen faster and further this year than ever before, and the maximum waiting time is now half what it was in 1997.
Official figures show that 94 per cent of A&E patients are now seen and treated within four hours. There are also 59,000 more doctors, nurses and other front-line staff in the NHS.
There were 167,000 more elective operations in hospital than last year, and 197,000 more procedures carried out in primary care and outpatients.
Health Secretary John Reid said he was delighted but not complacent.
"Progress is being made fast and visibly and I thank every member of the NHS for their contribution, but we have still have a long way to go."