Sep 8 2004
The Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologists and leading genomic cancer researchers will meet, Thursday, September 9 to 12th, 2004 at the Westin Nova Scotian Hotel in Halifax, to present research studies' results and to confer on methods to zero in on how to begin to utilize genomics, proteomics, and radiation, to improve cancer treatment outcomes for patients.
During this largest ever Canadian cancer congress of the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncologists, radiation oncologists, radiobiologists, genomic scientists and cancer researchers will begin to create a national strategy for Radiation Oncology Science in Canada.
Cancer treatment is entering a new era due to the Genome Project discoveries and the use of new technologies in the research laboratories which will allow for improved targeted individual and radiation treatment to be developed at Cancer Centres across Canada for higher curability of cancers, less side effects of treatments and improved patient care.
This is also welcome news as it is known that within 10 years, there will be a 60-70% increase in the number of cancer patients requiring treatment.
Dr. Jean Paul Bahary, President of CARO, Dr. Norman Coleman, Director of Radiation Oncology Sciences Program at the National Cancer Institute in Bethesada, Maryland, and Dr. Robert Bristow, Clinician Scientist, University Network Hospital, Toronto, will be opening this innovative conference.<