Feb 8 2005
The community will question the Labor Government's commitment to boost spending on cancer prevention while it does little to stop passive smoking killing more and more West Australians, the AMA (WA) said today.
"Allocating $30 million to fight cancer has to be welcomed, but it would have more purpose if the Government backed the pledge with tough regulations to prevent the spread of passive smoking," said association President Dr Paul Skerritt.
"Unfortunately, it will be at least another 18 months - and about 30 more deaths - before WA bans smoking in all enclosed public places.
At the same time many more will end up in hospitals being treated for lung, throat and other types of cancers.
"The Government knows the problem, it just won't incur the wrath of the liquor and tobacco industries by taking the tough decisions."
Dr Skerritt said countries such as Italy, Ireland, Cuba, Sweden, Scotland, Norway and New Zealand had already moved to stamp out passive smoking.
"Cancer is a dreadful disease and helping patients with well-funded prevention and care programs is something every doctor will applaud, particularly in rural areas," said Dr Skerritt.
"The pity is the Government's benevolence is not backed by the political courage to act now to stamp out a major cause of cancer in the community."