Prednisone tablets less variable than marketed drugs

The U.S. Pharmacopeial (USP) Convention has announced results of a study comparing the dissolution variability of USP Prednisone Lot P Reference Standard tablets to two marketed drugs.

Study results clearly show less variability in USP Prednisone Lot P tablets than in the marketed tablets. Dissolution testing of solid oral dosage forms plays a critical role in drug manufacturing because it indicates whether a drug will dissolve properly in the body. This in turn is an established criterion in quality assurance and regulation of manufactured drugs and dietary supplements.

In all analytical testing, including dissolution, the apparatus used must undergo installation, operation and performance qualification to ensure reliable results. These activities are detailed in various USP General Chapters, particularly Dissolution <711>. For dissolution testing, the performance verification test involves USP Prednisone Reference Standard tablets. The current study explored quality attributes of USP Lot P Prednisone Reference Standard tablets in comparison to two commercially available drugs that are marketed in tablet form.

The study was undertaken in response to assertions that the USP Prednisone Lot P Reference Standard tablets yielded highly variable results and led to unreliable dissolution test results. It compared the dissolution variability associated with selected commercial dosage forms to that of USP Lot P Prednisone Reference Standard tablets. The study was conducted according to metrological principles established by the International Organization for Standardization.

“I am very pleased that the results of this testing showed significantly less variability in the USP Lot P Prednisone Reference Standard tablets than in the comparator tablets,” said William Koch, Ph.D, chief reference materials officer for USP. “USP Prednisone yielded an average variability of less than five percent, while comparators averaged about 13 percent. Established metrological principles were followed to ensure the test's objectivity, and it is clear that USP Prednisone Reference Standard tablets are not the cause of variation in dissolution test results,” Dr. Koch continued. “Manufacturers should be assured of the appropriate performance of the USP Prednisone tablets in dissolution testing.”


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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