Apr 7 2008
According to a new health report Grandma was quite right when she said an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
The Apple Report, which is a review of scientific research carried on the fruit in the last decade, has found that apples are in fact 'super fruits' in that they have more health giving antioxidants than many other popular fruits.
In recent years 'super food status' has been attached to many other fruits and vegetables but Landon says apples have more than twice the antioxidants of a cup of tea, about three times the antioxidants of an orange and almost eight times the antioxidants of a banana.
Apples have been proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, some cancers and type 2 diabetes and are also thought to offer some protection from asthma.
The Apple Report says that apples are one of the only foods identified to reduce the risk of heart disease and certain cancers which are two of the biggest causes of death amongst Australians.
The report says apples have the highest antioxidant content of all Australia's popular fruits but most Australians only eat one a week.
According to the Australian Fruit and Vegetable Coalition if that was increased to just one more serve of fruit or vegetables every day, over $150 million a year would be saved on healthcare costs for cardiovascular disease alone.
Landon says the research is compelling and the health message is simple - an apple a day is a very good start.