Swine flu prevention kits launched

MisterSterile.com have launched a unique range of swine flu prevention kits for the home, office, school, hospital, travel & personal use.

The kits include the world’s first & only dry on contact spray that can be used on all surfaces including fabric, paper & electronic devices such as computer keyboards.

Jim Taylor, CEO says “The government leaflet on swine flu says everyday items such as door handles, computer keyboards, mobile and ordinary phones and the TV remote control are all common surfaces where flu viruses can be found.

If other people touch these surfaces and then touch their faces, the germs can enter their systems and they can become infected. That’s how all cold and flu viruses, including swine flu, are passed on from person to person.

These common surfaces are found not only at home but also in the office, school, hotel room, cruise cabin, care home, hospital, GPs surgery & other public places.

The government leaflet does not tell you how to kill viruses on these difficult to clean surfaces. We have provided a unique solution”.



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