Sep 7 2009
Bounty, the UK's favourite parenting club, today launches a 4 minute 'How to Breastfeed' online video clip to help expectant and new mums take a real life, close up peek at how a baby 'latches on' to the breast when feeding.
Breastfeeding is the healthiest and most natural way to feed a baby, yet research by has found that mums' intentions to breastfeed before the birth versus the reality when the baby is born are very different: During pregnancy one-in-two mums (49%) said they intended to only breastfeed, but in reality the actual number that solely breastfed dropped by half (to 25%).
Before the birth of their baby, nearly three-quarters (73%) of women admitted to never being close enough in real life to a friend or family member to see how a baby 'latches on' to the breast, yet this is probably the simplest way for mums to learn the technique instead of following diagrams in leaflets, advice in books and mimicking with dolls and teddies in ante-natal classes.
Bounty Parenting Spokesperson, Faye Mingo said; "Whilst there is lots of breastfeeding advice offered to new and expectant mums, some cannot access the information and support they need at exactly the right time. This video clip is not designed to replace health professional support, but simply acts as a useful refresher to help remind new mums of the 'latching on' technique through looking, learning and listening at anytime of day or night.