The following is a statement released by Earth Intelligence Network for the common good.
Robert David STEELE Vivas, CEO, Earth Intelligence Network, a 501c3 Public Charity chartered in the Commonwealth of Virginia, has released a single graphic showing Health Policy Fundamentals, three quarters of which are being ignored by both proponents and detractors of the new national health bill.
Half of national health is a healthy lifestyle augmented by a healthy environment combined with public awareness of natural and alternative cures. These are NOT addressed by the current health plan.
Medical conditions that are not preventable can be addressed as much by the dissemination of free public information and moderate government oversight, as by expensive medical intervention.
Finally, the bill fails to address the root cause of our national health collapse: the lack of integrity in Congress, and the abundance of profit greed in the medical industry. We must take the profit out of health waste and put the integrity back into Congress.
Medicare is not only a good thing, of proven value, but we are over-paying for it by 98% because Congress will not allow the government to negotiate. Each of the 75 top medications in America can be purchased for two percent (2%) of what we pay now, simply by leveraging generic wholesale offerings across many different countries.
We pray this “top-down” severely-flawed bill will be withdrawn. A national dialog is needed, one that can be done in 24 hour-cycles top to bottom using the Citizen Wisdom Circles of Jim Rough and the Tao of Democracy techniques of Tom Atlee—the President must engage the Collective Intelligence of the public.