Sep 25 2009
Mobius Therapeutics, LLC ™ has been awarded a research grant from the National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) to study its investigational procedure, selective Photodynamic Myringotomy (PDM).
PDM is a procedure where the tympanic membrane (ear drum) is treated with a specially stained anti-scarring agent. The stained tissue is then exposed to a specially tuned laser, designed to be absorbed only at the site of the stain. The procedure treats ear infections by opening the membrane to ventilate and drain the ear. The anti-scarring agent slows the healing process which allows the ear to stay ventilated, while eliminating the need for pressure equalization tubes and the associated surgery.
"The potential of PDM is enormous," said Ed Timm, President of Mobius Therapeutics. "Otitis media is the single most common reason for a child to visit the doctor. In the USA alone, bilateral myringotomy with tubes accounts for an estimated 2,000,000 surgeries each year on children under the age of 16. The ability to replace an anesthetized hospital surgical procedure with a single, painless office procedure would be welcomed by both children and parents."
"This grant will allow Mobius to achieve measurable milestones," Timm continued. "The rapid issuance of broad patent protection compelled us to accelerate the development of PDM. We are grateful to NIDCD and corporate supporters that have made this development possible."