'How to Write, Publish, and Present in the Health Sciences'
Strong communication skills are essential for preparing scientific articles, grant proposals, posters, and slide presentations. However, these skills are not commonly taught in schools of public health, medicine, or allied health sciences.
To fill that void Thomas A. Lang, MA, has authored "How to Write, Publish, & Present in the Health Sciences: A Guide for Clinicians & Laboratory Researchers" (American College of Physicians, 2009).
"The purpose of this book is to introduce clinicians and laboratory researchers to the major types of written and visual communications they need to advance their careers," said Lang, an internationally experienced medical writer and educator. "It also teaches the skills and strategies needed for preparing these communications to meet current professional standards."
Other topics include how to write effectively, how to write efficiently, and how to prepare drawings, photographs, and diagnostic images for publication in scientific journals. A chapter on tables and graphs includes a series of questions to guide authors in choosing the best way to communicate their data. The book also provides detailed insights on the ethics and procedures of publishing research in basic science and clinical research journals.
Authors, editors, and reviewers of scientific communications, including academic physicians, practicing physicians, and residents in all medical and surgical disciplines; medical writers and editors; scientific journalists; and medical students will benefit from the book.