Berkshire Partners makes $125 million growth equity investment to support United BioSource

United BioSource Corporation today announced that Berkshire Partners LLC, a Boston-based private equity firm, has made a $125 million growth equity investment to support the Company’s evidence-based acquisition and service offering expansion strategy.

Formed in 2003 by Ethan D. Leder and Mark P. Clein, the rapidly growing Bethesda, Maryland based United BioSource Corporation (UBC) partners with life sciences companies to develop and commercialize medical products globally by providing authoritative, impartial and timely real-world evidence that demonstrates safety, efficacy and value. UBC now has offices in more than 20 countries across the globe with over 1,300 employees.

“With this additional capital investment, we are well positioned to continue our targeted growth strategy recognizing that over the last six years, a steady and accelerating momentum has been building among regulators, payors, physicians and patients for new requirements and standards that go beyond FDA approval and the traditional drug development process. These demands relate to the provision of a continuous stream of evidence of product safety, economic value and medical effectiveness in the peri- and post-approval environment. UBC was created to address these challenges and the demands of the healthcare marketplace have only intensified in recent years in this respect. In Berkshire, we found an additional partner who shares our vision and excitement for our future,” said Ethan Leder, CEO of United BioSource.

“UBC’s management team has an impressive record of successfully integrating acquisitions, creating value across business lines and servicing the world’s most progressive life sciences companies. We are excited to have a chance to partner with a clear leader and innovator in this space,” said Randy Peeler, Managing Director of Berkshire Partners. “We look forward to working together with UBC’s management and founding investors to help UBC capitalize on the many growth opportunities we have identified in this dynamic and demanding marketplace.”


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