In response to an increasing need to provide up-to-date information on safe and effective weight loss products, has launched a new site and blog designed to empower dieters to share information.
In 2004, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ranked obesity as the number one health threat facing America. Obesity currently results in an estimated 400,000 deaths each year and costs nearly $122.9 billion. Obesity increases a person's risk for developing several potentially life-threatening health conditions including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, thyroid disease, hypertension and more.
Currently, nearly two thirds of U.S. adults are overweight which equals approximately 64.5 percent of the adult population-- approximately 129.6 million people. And nearly one third of adult Americans are classified as obese, or about 61.3 million people. Obesity is defined as sustaining a body mass index (BMI) over 30 percent body fat.
Conceived as a way to offer information on nutritional supplements and other products as well as healthy tips, features posts that provide simple, straightforward information to empower people to take control of their weight and pursue a healthy lifestyle. The blog encourages readers to share tips on products and methods in order to create a supportive and dynamic online community. Recent posts reveal:
- Upbeat mood tips
- Water is your friend. Act accordingly.
- Depression caused by the food we eat
- Encouragement to cleanse
Recommended product categories on the site include cleansing, mood, PH balance and energy. For more information, please visit