OXIS INTERNATIONAL, INC. (Pink Sheets: OXIS, Paris: OXI) announced today that the Company has retained Quinn Emanuel Urquhart Oliver & Hedges (“Quinn Emanuel”) to enforce all patents related to the unique benefits of its potent antioxidant compound L-Ergothioneine (“ERGO”).
Mr. Tony Cataldo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Oxis, stated, “Oxis holds patents and patent applications on the benefits of ERGO as a significant combater of oxidative stress within the body. We have significant research that demonstrate ERGO’s highly beneficial effects on the reduction in oxidative stress and we intend to pursue opportunities in the consumer market and have begun test marketing of products and through the recent financing have the financial resources to scale to full production launch in the near future.”
“We intend to vigorously defend our patents against any potential infringer no matter how large or small they may be. Quinn Emanuel is the pre-eminent law firm in business litigation having won the most cases and the largest settlements of any law firm and ranked #1 in business litigation in the US. It has won over $10 billion in judgments and settlements, several of which have been for nine figures. We are proud to have them as part of the Oxis team and we are confident that potential infringers will think twice before doing so knowing that with Quinn Emanuel is on our side,” Mr. Cataldo concluded.