Statement from Pelosi regarding Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act

Speaker Nancy Pelosi released the following statement in support of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act, which passed the House of Representatives today by a vote of 408 to 9. The Senate passed the bill earlier this week so the bill now goes to President Obama for his signature into law.

"As everyone knows, San Francisco was hit early and hard by the devastation of AIDS. But San Franciscans responded to the needs of our neighbors by developing a system of community-based care that became the model for the Ryan White CARE Act when it was first enacted in 1990.

"Today, Ryan White-funded initiatives are a fundamental component of the systems of care upon which low-income individuals with HIV and AIDS rely. Declines in AIDS deaths are a direct result of the therapies and services that have been made more widely available through the Ryan White Act to large numbers of uninsured and under-insured people living with HIV and AIDS.

"Each year, this legislation ensures access to lifesaving medical services, including pharmaceuticals, for more than 500,000 clients - almost half of the individuals living with HIV/AIDS in this country. Reauthorizing the Ryan White Act will continue to increase access to primary care and medications by providing additional resources and facilitating the transition to HIV reporting.

"The Ryan White Act has always focused on establishing and maintaining effective systems of health care. This means avoiding drastic cuts that destabilize existing resources.

"For this reason, many of us were disappointed when the Bush Administration implemented the 2006 reauthorization in a way that caused severe cuts to several jurisdictions, including the San Francisco Eligible Metropolitan Area. Unfortunately, Senate Republicans objected to correcting these implementation flaws in this reauthorization. However, I remain committed to responding to these needs through the appropriations process, as we have done each year since the Bush Administration first attempted to impose these destabilizing cuts.

"The Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act continues our commitment to hundreds of thousands of low-income people living with HIV/AIDS. In doing so, we will save lives, save money, and help create a healthier America."


Office of the Speaker of the House


  1. davemcduffie davemcduffie United States says:

    Why sure! Let the taxpayers continue to pay out of their pocket for the indiscretions of the gay community who thinks its EXCITING, like playing Russian Roulette, to have sex WITHOUT a condom!I know this to be a FACT, UNDENIABLE, I have heard it from gay friends for YEARS! Know the truth, Speak the truth, and the truth shall keep you free! The enemy of the Lunatic Left! To them, facts are replaced by OPINIONS! NO wonder they are so screwed up and doing the same to this country! Don't worry though people, like a druggy or alchy who do not change til they hit the bottom, We as a country are about to hit bottom, then the pendulum will swing back to the right where it belongs if we are to become strong and FREE again, with some important lessons learned hopefully. Those countries embracing capitalism are the ONLY countries which have a jobless rate one fourth of ours! They have learned(from us!!!) what works and what does not(socialism!!!) and here we go, headlong into socialism, by design, and our jobless rate is actually closer to 20%...but, you will NEVER hear the TRUTH from the left wing news media. And they call FOX conservative, because that is the ONLY place, except for talk radio where you can get the truth, no wonder their ratings are in the stratosphere, and OBAMA just doubled their ratings with his rants against them. Heard one truth from the MSM regarding health care? Heck no! Did they even cover hundreds of thousands in Washington? Heck NO! Do they cover 5 people at a gay rights rally? Of course!!! It is the left wing news media we have to thank for us being in the tank, and continuing to spiral downward, and their continuing to lie and cover up a socialist agenda will lead to their demise. Gibson, Olberman, Matthews, Maddow JOURNALISTS?!!!! Give me a break! They could not hold the microphone of Chris Wallace or Britt Hume! Their is a HUGE difference between REPEATERS and REPORTERS! Lefty mantra...I FEEL, therefore I KNOW...BS!

    • Joey S. Joey S. United States says:

      Finding out I was HIV positive was one of the most devastating experience of my life. knowing that i am taken care of because my part time job that pays for my full time schooling doesn't offer healthcare is a blessing and a relief. Thank God we live in a rational country that realizes that a mistake doesn't define who we are and everyone deserves to live a happy, healthy life. Due to medical advances those of us who happen to be hiv positive and who are lucky enough to live in this great country have a life expectancy only 4 years less than that of an otherwise healthy person. Without Ryan White and A.D.A.P, the medication helping to save my life would be out of this world expensive. Compassion goes a long way. I love you, Dave. I sense the glorious radiance of the Lord from you, even though you may have a misguided view on this particular subject.

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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