NBCSL President, Rep. Calvin Smyre (GA), applauds the Obama Administration’s efforts to improve health care for veterans. Today, President Barack Obama signed the Veterans Health Care Budget Reform and Transparency Act, which provides one year of advance funding for veterans’ medical programs. The VA now has one year to plan how to best allocate funds and deliver care to returning veterans.
NBCSL is committed to ensuring that the new law translates into fully-funded mental health services for local VA hospitals. Mental health is a top priority for NBCSL, and state legislators will now be able to earmark funding for mental health care services at local VA hospitals and clinics.
NBCSL will facilitate partnerships between local VA administration offices, churches, and advocacy groups so they can coordinate programs that help veterans.
Earlier this month, NBCSL held its 16th Annual Mental Health Conference in Indianapolis. The conference focused on finding solutions to the challenges veterans face when returning home from war, including mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, depression and reconnecting with families and communities.
Rep. Smyre further stated that veterans’ health and wellness will be a major focus for NBCSL members. “Our country’s veterans endure countless injuries and traumas. When they return home we must guarantee they’ll have proper health care, and I encourage state legislators to focus on veterans and underserved communities,” said Rep. Smyre.