Tufts CSDD announces the launch of new website

The Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development, the world's leading, independent authority on the nature and pace of pharmaceutical and biotech drug development, today announced the launch of its new website that makes it easier for industry professionals and others to research critical drug development issues.

The website -- available at http://csdd.tufts.edu -- features one-click navigation that provides easy access to current information on Tufts CSDD research, publications, courses, forums, and press releases.

"Developers, clinical researchers, regulators, policy makers, and service providers working with the industry need reliable, up-to-date information on the factors that shape drug development and the environment for innovation. Our new website supports them by making that information more readily available," said Tufts CSDD Director Kenneth I Kaitin.

New features of the website include:

-- Access to a comprehensive bibliography of Tufts CSDD publications, and services available through the Louis Lasagna Library of Drug Development Science and Policy. -- Online registration for Postgraduate and Leadership courses and the Tufts CSDD Executive Forum. -- Online subscriptions to Tufts CSDD Impact Reports and R&D Management Reports. -- Information relating to ongoing multi-company research programs and commissioned projects.

SOURCE: Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development


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