Jan 30 2010
What About Health Care Reform? Forbes
By not acknowledging America's concerns about health reform Wednesday night, the president appeared inflexible and incapable of real compromise (Dr. Marc Siegel, 1/28).
In Search Of Primary Care Physicians South Bend Tribune
Although there is a projected shortage of all physicians, there is a critical lack of family physicians and other primary-care physicians to provide the care necessary if significantly more Americans were insured (Dr. Richard Feldman, 1/28).
Citizens Can Police Medicare Fraud The Baltimore Sun
The federal government has been unable to effectively police against such fraud -- but private citizens can make a difference (Daniel Whitney, 1/29).
We've Come Too Far On Health Care To Stop The San Antonio Express-News
Now is the time for the public to tell House members and senators that they should finish the job and pass legislation which clearly will have many constructive, even historic, attributes (Henry Cisneros, 1/29).
Just Do It, Democrats: Health Care Reform Is Within Reach The New Jersey Star-Ledger
For Democrats, it's time for a gut check. They ran on this issue. They won. And if they don't deliver now, when reform is within their grasp, they won't deserve to win again (1/29).
Mandates Are Bad For Your Health The Tampa Tribune
Requiring coverage of carotid intima-media thickness screenings falls roughly into the same category of Senate Democrats' radical plan to force legal U.S. residents to buy "approved" health insurance policies. The difference is one of degree only (Tom Jackson, 1/29).
This article was reprinted from khn.org with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.