Mar 10 2010
First Lady Michelle Obama’s “Let’s Move” Campaign tells us that about 32 percent of children and teens (or 25 million) are obese or overweight. It revealed those extra pounds put them at greater risk of developing debilitating and costly diseases including diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and may also cause them to lead a two to five year shorter life than their parents.
“The analysis of continuous Body Mass Index (BMI) with total IgE levels supports the concept that increased weight is associated with increased allergic predisposition.”
The May 2009 “Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology” published a study that suggests rising childhood obesity may be promoting the increased occurrence of food allergies which rose by 18 percent from 1997-2007. Obesity was associated with a greater development of atopic disease such as eczema and psoriasis, and a whopping 59 percent increase in food sensitization. Researchers in this study noted, “The analysis of continuous Body Mass Index (BMI) with total IgE levels supports the concept that increased weight is associated with increased allergic predisposition.”
“The statistics are startling,” notes Jeffrey Zavik, Founder and CEO of Immuno Laboratories. “Testing for food allergies and following a nutritional program based on the diagnostic results could help parents make healthier family choices which is one of the goals of the Let’s Move Campaign. Bloodprint™ food allergy and sensitivity testing could also be part of the RX for Healthier Living initiative by the American Academy of Pediatrics which would provide more impactful data than simply measuring the body mass index,” he adds.
Dr. Mona Morstein discusses the correlation of being overweight or obese with the higher occurrence of food sensitivities in her recent article, “Obesity Rising to Epic Proportions; Could Food Allergies be Causing Your Weight Problem?" “Food sensitivity testing is something every overweight patient and their doctor should consider investigating,” notes Morstein, who has been a naturopathic physician for 21 years and currently serves as Chair of Nutrition at Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. She is also Professor for Gastroenterology at the College and Clinical Supervisor of its outpatient clinic.