Mar 16 2010 announces an investment report featuring Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (Nasdaq:IPCI). The report includes financial, comparative and investment analyses, and industry information you need to know to make an educated investment decision.
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Intellipharmaceutics International Inc. (IPCI) engages in the research, development and commercialization of controlled-release drug technologies. The Company has 15 drug programs in development that address various therapeutic areas, including neurology, cardiovascular, Gastro-Intestinal Tract (GIT), pain and infection. Partnered with Par Pharmaceutical Companies Inc., the Company's lead drug product, a generic form of Focalin XR, is under review by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Another one of the Company's leading drug candidate is Rexista, a competing drug to Oxycodone, developed to alleviate pain.
In the report, the analyst notes:
"With the development of its four leading drug products, including Generic Focalin XR, Generic Effexor XR, Rexista (Oxycodone) and Generic Coreg CR, the Company attempts to capture a portion of a combined market of more than $6.0 billion in annual revenue. Presently, revenue derived from its competitors' proprietary drugs Focalin XR, Effexor XR, Coreg CR and Oxycodone RX total $350 million, $3.9 billion, $300 million and $2.0 billion, respectively.
"The novel approach of manipulating the delivery of the above-named drug therapies via the Company's novel Hypermatrix(TM) concept allows the Company a margin of competitive advantage within the pharmaceutical space. Its Hypermatrix delivery system concept is designed to optimize Nature's hyper-dimensionality as it relates to drug therapies."
SOURCE Beacon Equity Research/td>