Apr 6 2010
Ontario's doctors are moving to dispel the common misconception that salon tanning beds are safer than the sun. Recently, the Ontario Medical Association adopted a policy calling for restrictions on the use of artificial tanning equipment, so that tanning beds cannot be used by those under 18 years of age.
"Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from tanning beds is no safer than exposure to UV rays from the sun," said Dr. Suzanne Strasberg, President of the OMA. "Regardless of the source, UV rays damage the skin and increase your chances of getting skin cancer, which can be deadly."
In July 2009, the International Agency for Research on Cancer reclassified tanning equipment to the highest cancer risk category.
"With the nice weather just around the corner, many teenagers are getting ready for prom or preparing for the summer by visiting the tanning salon," said Dr. Samir Gupta, Chair of the OMA's Dermatology Section. "We have to move away from the idea that bronzed skin is healthy, when nothing could be farther from the truth."