International Red Cross continues to provide much needed relief in Haiti

Three months after an earthquake devastated Haiti, the International Red Cross continues to provide much needed relief to those affected by this tragedy.

Since January 12, the Canadian Red Cross has received $ 122 million for its Haiti Earthquake Fund and has already contributed over $ 42 million from these generous donations toward emergency relief and recovery activities to meet the most urgent needs of earthquake survivors in Haiti.

"With the arrival of the rainy season in Haiti, aid agencies continue to distribute emergency shelter items to nearly 100,000 people a week," said Conrad Sauvé, secretary general and CEO of the Canadian Red Cross. "Our efforts continue to focus on reaching vulnerable communities with the most effective forms of aid possible."

The Canadian Red Cross, in partnership with the Canadian International Development Agency, is funding nearly one-third of the 50,000 transitional shelters pledged by the International Federation of the Red Cross. These shelters will support the temporary housing needs of thousands of families in Jacmel, Léogane and Port-au-Prince.

"The Red Cross is working exhaustively to make sure people are receiving short-term care and ensure a safer better future for Haiti. It will take patience and time - but we remain resolute in our dedication to help Haiti rebuild and emerge stronger," said Mr. Sauvé.





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