May 6 2010
Los Angeles Child Guidance Clinic Urges Increased Focus on Healthy Development in Early Childhood
Angelenos observe "Children's Mental Health Awareness Day in the City of Los Angeles" today, thanks to a proclamation introduced by Los Angeles City Councilman Bernard Parks, signed by the mayor and adopted by council in chambers yesterday. "Positive mental health is essential to a child's healthy development from birth," said Councilman Parks, noting the importance that positive social and emotional development has on a child's early development. Parks was also joined by Councilwoman Jan Perry and Councilman Ed Hernandez in praising Los Angeles Child Guidance Clinic – which worked with Parks office on the awareness day effort for a second consecutive year – for its nationally recognized mental health services for children and youth.
Clinic President and CEO Betsy Pfromm thanked Councilman Parks for his leadership on the issue by quoting Frederick Douglas: "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men," said Ms. Pfromm, noting that Federal Reserve economists, a Nobel laureate and Rand studies have all documented the cost effectiveness in investing in early childhood services. "The estimated return – a compelling $4 to $7 for every $1 invested – includes reduced rates of juvenile incarceration, improved graduation rates, and less dependence on public assistance."
Los Angeles Child Guidance Clinic