During the first quarter of 2010 Synexus has seen growth in Germany reach thirty per cent as international sponsors take advantage of the additional patient reach the company can now offer following its acquisition of eight sites there as part of its takeover of Leipzig-based Clinpharm at the end of 2009.
Following the acquisition, Dr Helena Sigal, previously director of clinical operations with ClinPharm, was appointed Synexus' Head of Operations in Germany, and together with Chief Operations Officer, Jane Restorick, is responsible for the successful integration of German operations into the Synexus clinical trials model.
Chief Executive Michael Fort, who has been pivotal to the success of Synexus' acquisitions over the past two years, is delighted with early progress: "We now have access to some 12 million patients in Germany and are seeing very encouraging interest from sponsors who are keen to include this country in their international trials. Our eight dedicated research centres countrywide are involved in trials ranging from flu prevention to diabetes and cardiovascular disease and are demonstrating their ability to recruit patients quickly and efficiently. We expect to see growth continue at these rates for the duration of 2010 and beyond."