IDC Health Insights report predicts paradigm shift toward collaborative care through HIE models

As health care organizations across the country begin to adopt technology solutions in response to the approximately $20 billion in state incentive payments for health care, Informatics Corporation of America (ICA; endorses an April 2010 report, Vendor Assessment: Industry Short List for Health Information Exchange Technologies, released by IDC Health Insights, an advisory services and market research firm. The report demonstrates the enormous growth potential of health information exchanges (HIEs) in the next two years and warns that failure to deliver meaningful use by 2015 will mean penalties in the form of reduced Medicare and Medicaid payments.

“ICA's CareAlign™ allows hospitals and integrated delivery systems to share data effectively to promote quality care and a healthier patient base; improve compliance by both patients and clinical staff; and communicate more effectively with patients and medical professionals.”

"The IDC report predicts the paradigm shift toward collaborative care through HIE models, which we see as a pivotal opportunity to drive improvements in the quality of medical care delivery and patient outcomes," says Gary M. Zegiestowsky, CEO of ICA, provider of a comprehensive HIE solution to hospitals, IDNs, communities, and state governments. "ICA's CareAlign™ allows hospitals and integrated delivery systems to share data effectively to promote quality care and a healthier patient base; improve compliance by both patients and clinical staff; and communicate more effectively with patients and medical professionals."

Developed by practicing physicians and informatics professionals at Vanderbilt Medical Center and implemented in both enterprise and HIE environments, ICA's CareAlign™ provides:

  • Provider and patient portal with secure clinical communication
  • Standards-based interoperability (IHE, NHIN)
  • EHR-Lite functionality (Ambulatory orders, ePrescribing, vitals and summaries)
  • Population management, analysis and reporting (Disease dashboards)

"In support of the widespread changes ahead, ICA's solution provides the ability to extend infrastructure from community to community and allow for a truly patient-centric environment," says John Tempesco FACHE, vice president client services and marketing at ICA. "CareAlign™ supports the intent of meaningful use by providing the information physicians need to make informed decision at the point of care and the ability to monitor and report on care delivered. We look forward to being part of the new climate of ownership, accountability, and sustainability in our nation's health care system."


 Informatics Corporation of America


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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