The Board of Directors of Elekta AB (publ)(STO:EKTAB) has decided to utilize the authorization received from the Annual General Meeting to repurchase shares in the company.
Elekta's new distribution policy is to distribute 30 percent or more of net profit to shareholders in the form of dividends, share repurchases or comparable measures.
Elekta's Annual General Meeting on September 15, 2009 resolved to authorize the Board to decide on the acquisition of a maximum of 10 percent of the total number of shares in the company.
The Board has today decided to exercise the mandate by authorizing the executive management to initiate, on appropriate occasion, the repurchase of shares in an amount of MSEK 100 and not more than 650,000 shares, corresponding to 0.7 percent of the total number of outstanding shares in the company.
The purpose of the repurchase of own shares is firstly to align the Company's capital structure to the Company's capital requirements and where appropriate to be able to transfer shares in conjunction with the financing of company acquisitions and other types of strategic investments and acquisitions. In addition, the purpose is to facilitate hedging of costs and delivery in relation to the Performance Share Program 2009.
The total number of shares in Elekta as of June 8, 2010 was 92,795,244 shares and Elekta currently does not hold any shares in the Company.
Purchases will be made on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm and at a price within the spread at the time of the purchase. Purchases can be made during the time until next Annual General Meeting.