The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas today awarded $142 million in grants to fund innovative cancer research and prevention programs across the state. Today's announcement caps the first year of the Institute's ten year mission. Together with matching funds committed by grant recipients, more than $300 million has been invested this year in Texas' extraordinary endeavor to change the face of cancer.
“Texas is leading the way in cancer research and prevention efforts”
"This is what CPRIT was created to do - to invest in the people and projects that will find a cure for cancer," said the Institute's Oversight Committee Chairman Jimmy Mansour. "The groundbreaking work singled out today brings us one step closer to that audacious goal."
Many of the cancer research awards announced today will fund ambitious projects bringing together teams of scientists at leading Texas institutions to tackle critical issues in cancer detection, diagnosis and treatment. One major award supports the creation of a statewide clinical trial network, providing access to cutting-edge clinical trials for patients in their own communities. Among other key initiatives singled out for support by the Institute, two programs are pediatric cancer collaborations - including an outstanding proposal targeting childhood liver cancer that will make Texas the world leader in this area.
Partnerships addressing coordinated, evidence-based cancer prevention strategies in Texas communities also received special attention. Many of the prevention efforts that were awarded grants propose new ways to increase screening and early detection of breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers in medically underserved or rural parts of the state.
Today's awards also marked an important step in the Institute's initiative to support commercialization opportunities - moving scientific discoveries from the laboratory to the patient. Three Texas companies received inaugural commercialization awards, providing funding critical to late-stage testing of medical devices and diagnostics that have the potential to significantly change the treatment and detection of certain cancers. The Institute also announced its first Company Creation and Recruitment award recipient will be Damascus Pharmaceuticals, a Dallas-based company that will be created to implement a discovery and development pipeline for cancer therapeutics. Not only will these companies contribute to progress in cancer treatment, but they are expected to add two hundred highly skilled new jobs in Texas.
"Texas is leading the way in cancer research and prevention efforts," stated CPRIT Executive Director Bill Gimson. "The investment Texas makes today in attracting new talent and expertise to the state will be life-changing for many of our fellow Texans and others around the world fighting cancer."