China Cord Blood Corporation added to Russell Global Index

China Cord Blood Corporation (NYSE: CO; "the Company") today announced that it joined the Russell Global Index after the market close on Friday, June 25, 2010.

Membership in the Russell Global Index, which remains in place for one year, means automatic inclusion in the appropriate indexes as well as the applicable style, sector and country indexes. Russell determines membership for its equity indexes primarily by objective, market-capitalization rankings and style attributes.

Ms. Ting Zheng, China Cord Blood Corporation's Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, stated, "We are very pleased to have been included in the Russell Global Index. Membership in this index will increase our recognition among investors and is a direct result of our efforts to increase liquidity and shareholder value. We believe our membership in this index will help expand the potential investor base and allow us greater visibility in the investment community."

Russell indexes are widely used by investment managers and institutional investors both to construct index funds and to measure performance as benchmarks for passive and active investment strategies. An industry-leading $39 trillion in assets are benchmarked to these indexes.

The Russell Global Index, which captures 98% of investable securities globally, is reconstituted annually and all sub-indexes are recalibrated simultaneously to accurately measure current market realities for each market segment. These investment tools originated from Russell's multi-manager investment business in the early 1980s when the company saw the need for a more objective, market-driven set of benchmarks in order to evaluate outside investment managers.


China Cord Blood Corporation

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