Jul 20 2010
TCGRx (TCG) announces the release of Will-Call Rx™, a computerized system for hanging and retrieving will call prescriptions. Will-Call Rx uses energy efficient LED lights to identify prescription locations and barcode scanning ensures prescription verification, accurate prescription pick up and inventory management.
“Will-Call Rx provides accurate prescription delivery every time. This system is designed to eliminate the frustration of searching through alphabetically stored bags while increasing customer satisfaction. The system can be built for any pharmacy of any size”
"Will-Call Rx provides accurate prescription delivery every time. This system is designed to eliminate the frustration of searching through alphabetically stored bags while increasing customer satisfaction. The system can be built for any pharmacy of any size," said TCGRx CEO Duane Chudy.
Will-Call Rx has the ability to sort all prescriptions by patient or consolidate them by household. The patient's prescriptions in will call are identified, including bulk and refrigerated medications, to ensure that the entire order is fulfilled. Customer satisfaction and pharmacy efficiency increase with Will-Call Rx.
Will-Call Rx also tracks the medication via aging reports, alerting pharmacists of prescriptions not picked up by the customer. The return-to-stock function allows the pharmacist to take these unused medications and replenish the stock, thus eliminating waste and saving the pharmacy money.
"The Will-Call Rx system has increased efficiency at our pharmacy," said Laurie Deegan, a Pharmacy Manager at Fairview Pharmacy. "The prescription retrieval system minimizes the time spent locating patient prescription, decreasing customer wait time. I particularly appreciate the return-to-stock functionality; identifying aged will call prescriptions and then returning the items to inventory is much simpler now. We appreciate Will-Call Rx's help in creating a more favorable environment for employees and customers alike."
The Will-Call Rx replaces the traditional method of organizing prescriptions alphabetically by customer name with light guided and barcode verified prescription pickup in a small footprint. The Will-Call Rx's directed by light system identifies the unit and row in which the prescription is hung. The advanced software requires the user to scan the will call bag to verify that the correct prescription is selected before allowing them to continue, virtually eliminating any possible user error.