Elsevier Properties SA is pleased to congratulate Dr. Scott Stewart on his winning the Royal Australian Chemical Institute's (RACI) 2010/11 Athel Beckwith Lectureship, sponsored by Reaxys.
The award is open to all RACI members who have been appointed to their first academic or industrial position within the past five years. As the award winner, Dr. Stewart will be given the opportunity to present a lecture in at least six Australian state capitals and/or major regional centers during the year of the lectureship. The Organic Division of RACI established the annual lectureship to provide funding for outstanding early career organic chemists to travel around Australia and present the results of their research work.
Dr. Stewart, from the University of Western Australia, completed a PhD at the Research School of Chemistry (ANU) on the enantioselective synthesis of two new anti-cancer agents Taxol and Phomopsidin. His research interests include the synthesis of biologically active natural products using palladium catalysed cross coupling reactions; domino transformations in synthetic chemistry; medicinal chemistry for the treatment of cancer and immune diseases; and intramolecular Heck reactions using new nickel and palladium catalysts.
David Evans PhD, Scientific Affairs Director at Elsevier Properties SA said, "This lectureship provides a unique opportunity for chemists in the early stages of their careers and we would like to congratulate Dr. Stewart for his achievement in winning this award. We are pleased that this award grants scientists the recognition they deserve."