New book relates mercury in vaccines to autism

SafeMinds says the new book to be published September 14th, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine and a Man-made Epidemic, provides compelling evidence that mercury in vaccines and other products has caused an epidemic of autism and other neurological disorders.

The U.S. government revealed last week that they will compensate a family millions of dollars for their daughter's injury related to her infant vaccines that contained mercury and the subsequent development of autism. Yet, the CDC continues to tell the public that there is no connection between vaccines and autism and that the mercury has been removed, although the flu shot recommended for all pregnant women, infants, and children continues to be preserved with mercury.

Obviously vaccines can be linked to autism and a ground-breaking book out tomorrow, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine and a Man-made Epidemic by authors Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill, uncovers disturbing evidence of mercury's role in the origins of autism and other childhood neurological disorders that have now reached epidemic proportions in the U.S.

In 1999, the FDA discovered mercury in infant vaccines far exceeded Federal safety standards. Science documents that the mercury preservative, Thimerosal, is highly toxic and linked to injuries like those suffered by the child compensated last week when she received several vaccines containing mercury. Olmsted and Blaxill have uncovered new evidence that mercury, found in a host of products including vaccines, is not only driving the autism epidemic today, but is plausibly linked to the majority of the first eleven autism cases, first described in the 1930's.

The Age of Autism is a sweeping epic that exposes the largely hidden history of mercury poisoning in human beings by medicine and industrial pollution; from triggering the worst form of syphilis, to poisoning young women mistakenly diagnosed with "hysteria," from causing "pink disease" in infants using teething powders in the 1950's, to launching new auto-immune neurological diseases.

The book consists of interlaced facts which build the inescapable conclusion that mercury was the trigger for the age of autism – and that with enough courage, compassion and fearless science the medical establishment can bring it to an end.  "Autism is man-made.  Informed by this simple truth, we can stop triggering autism and start treating it for what it is," say the authors.  "And we can learn lessons that may help crack the code of other modern plagues from Alzheimer's and Parkinson's to asthma and Lou Gehrig's disease."




The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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