Sep 20 2010
Variant Products Ltd. announced today that and will soon be selling its NEW Handheld Power Pill Grinder. It is significant because sales velocities are being closely monitored by both retailers for store consideration. Validating the market, Walmart and CVS currently dedicate resources to educate and address dysphagia concerns (difficulty swallowing). People who struggle with this issue often crush or grind their meds/supplements and the Power Pill Grinder offers a unique alternative to traditional manual crushers.
But the market is considered by many to be much broader than that. Since its launch at the beginning of the year, Variant says the new item has been enthusiastically embraced across a broad spectrum of retailers including pharmacies, specialty catalogs and online boutiques.
Millions of catalogs will be mailed this fall featuring the item by well-respected names like Hammacher-Schlemmer, Solutions, Herrington, and HomeTrends. Orvis will target pet owners in the US and Europe. Wegmans, Kinney Drug and Spartan already carry the product in their stores chain-wide.
Variant's President, Christopher Gardner, says, "Today's consumers shop online, through catalogs and in stores. To be successful, we must support all of these venues. Our customers seem to like the fact that we are continually innovating and using technology in a category largely unchallenged for many years. But what they really like is that the item sells well."
Eric Dahle, President of, says, "This product sells by word of mouth better than any other product we have or have ever had. The Power Pill Grinder became a staple bestseller literally from the very first day."
Variant Products designs and manufactures a proprietary line of adherence products. They are headquartered in Rochester, NY.