Depression & BMI
In a new survey it was seen that too fat and too thin people suffer more from depressive moods. The Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index published these findings it its September 17 issue and noted obese and underweight Americans are more stressed, worried, angry and sad than their overweight and normal weight friends.
For the survey 250,000 interviews were conducted and the results were based on “self-reported” as well as height and weight. BMI or Body Mass Index is calculated with the help of height and weight. BMI denotes obesity at 30+, overweight at 25 to 29.9 and normal weight at 18.5 to 24.9 and underweight at less than 18.5.
Results show that those who were obese (23.2 per cent) were more likely to be diagnosed with depression than those who were underweight (19.1 per cent). Also underweight Americans polled topped all of the other categories signifying poor emotional well-being. Thus thin people were happier than the obese but experienced less enjoyment. Those with a BMI (normal weight) fared the best in all categories.
Australian obesity measurement
Queensland researchers are looking at ways to measure obesity. According to Nutritionist Dr Liz Isenring, there may be better ways to accurately measure obesity than the traditional body mass index (BMI). She said, “Certainly BMI looks like it's probably not the best measure of classifying (people as) overweight and obese," says Dr Isenring, of the University of Queensland. She explained, “Percentage body fat... appears to be the best method…But at this stage I can't say whether we are over-classifying or under-classifying (obesity).” As an explanation she gave an example that some men might have normal-range BMI but might have skinny legs and be carrying extra weight around their stomachs which could be putting them at risk of heart disease and diabetes.
She is leading a study by the university and the Wesley Research Institute that will compare ways to measure body fat. For the study her team is recruiting overweight adolescents aged 14 to 17, offering them an exercise and weight management program to join the study. For the study the subjects’ body fat will be measured in several different ways, including BMI and a new technology called Bioelectrical Impedance Spectroscopy (BIS). She explained that the BIS system uses low-level electronic currents and frequencies to determine how much of the body is fat, versus muscle and bone.