MitoSciences Inc. today announces that it has been awarded a $244,000 grant under the IRS Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project. This award was made in support of MitoSciences' efforts to develop the world's most advanced set of assays for unlocking the role of metabolism in cancer and other critical diseases, and for helping researchers to design and monitor the most effective therapies for those conditions.
“MitoSciences' products are unique in their ability to measure metabolic changes at the individual protein level”
"This award is additional validation for the approach that MitoSciences is taking in providing drug developers with the essential tools they require to solve the most urgent problems in healthcare," said John Audette, CEO of MitoSciences. "Developing new life science products is an expensive undertaking, and grant programs such as this go a long way toward helping the United States maintain its position as a leader in healthcare research and development."
Metabolism and other cellular homeostasis mechanisms play well-recognized roles in cancer and other critical diseases, but the ways by which they can be beneficially modulated by drugs or other therapies are not as of yet completely understood. So while metabolic enzymes and related proteins represent potentially useful targets for drug developers, the range of tools for exploring them has until now been very limited.
"MitoSciences' products are unique in their ability to measure metabolic changes at the individual protein level," said Dr. Rod Capaldi, CSO of MitoSciences. "Based on our own research, as well as feedback from our pharma and biotech collaborators, we are creating the tools that will enable the development of next generation cancer therapies."