Feb 16 2011
A new report issued by the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services and funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services analyzes the impact of Affordable Care Act on national immunization policy. The report examines a wide range of reforms that are aimed at strengthening immunization policy and practice.
"Our analysis shows the extent to which immunization policy reform has emerged as a key component of health reform," noted Alexandra M. Stewart, JD, Assistant Professor of Health Policy and lead author of the report.
Sara Rosenbaum, JD, Hirsch Professor of Health Law & Policy and senior author of the report added, "The implications of the Affordable Care Act for access to and improvements in the timeliness and quality of immunization practice are far-reaching for the entire population."
The report identifies numerous provisions of the Affordable Care Act that will affect insurance coverage and affordability, access to immunization services, and the level of national investment in community prevention, wellness, and primary care.
Source: George Washington University Medical Center